Embracing Cultural Diversity in University Lifelong Learning (ULLL)


Cultural diversity in ULLL is a growing phenomenon throughout Europe bringing exciting opportunities and some new challenges for universities. The eucen 2018 Autumn Seminar will focus on supporting the development of socially inclusive ULLL environments by exploring findings and policy recommendations grounded on research and reviewing pedagogical approaches, learning methodologies and curriculum development tools based on practice.

You are invited to send abstracts related to one of the three seminar strands:

  • Integrating cultural diversity in learning groups – curricula, learning methods and pedagogy
  • Creating a framework for culturally diverse universities – access, ethos and systems
  • Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in our work


The main goals of the 2018 eucen Autumn Seminar are to:

  • Tackle the main challenges of University Lifelong Learning  – the keynote speakers will help us with that;
  • Exchange methods and practices on this process – the dialogue between researcher and practitioner will focus on this point;
  • Feed practice via research perspectives and results – with specific cases during the group work and the Learning Cafés.


The Autumn Seminar is structured to stimulate dialogue, gather new ideas and work together towards new projects and collaborations. We have allowed time for interaction and open discussion.

On the first day

The dialogue between researcher and practitioner will launch the topic. The discussion will be opened to the participants, who will be invited to comment or ask questions.

The policies for integrating cultural diversity developed by HE4u2 will be discussed in small groups. Would all these policies be enough? Would you be able to apply them in your country/institution? Is there any other point we should add to the 10 recommendations?

To end the day, a multicultural concert and networking area will be open. Afterwards participants will be shown to the restaurant where we will have our seminar dinner to continue with pleasant networking.

You can anticipate your arrival in Barcelona one day earlier and join us on Thursday (day 1) at 09:00 for the HE4u2 project Final Learning Symposium! Participation to this activity is free. Follow the link to learn more.

On the second day

You have the chance to present your work – in close connection with the seminar topic – and discuss it with colleagues during the poster session.

A keynote will show us a specific case that might inspire you.

The brainstorming session that follows the presentations will provide an opportunity to challenge the presented views in order to gain new perspectives for our everyday activities.

The Learning Café of the afternoon, in three strands, will give:

  • inputs about pedagogical strategies;
  • views about practical cases;
  • a more global view on how to implement diversity as a natural issue in our universities.


If you have any questions, please contact the eucen Secretariat at events@eucen.eu.